Monday, August 2, 2010

Last few points my instructor added in for 2d elements. Media/Technique/simplicity vs. complexity( unity)

Here are three last points that my instructor added to the 7 elements of 2d design.
1. media: The media that you use includes what you apply the media to and with, however the term " media" generally refers to what it is applied with. This will include Pencil ( carbon, graphite, lead, pastel, watercolor, charcoal), paint ( acrylic, oil, water color), ink ( wash, pen and ink). In the partial picture( Below) " Sea turtle cove" the media is Oil paint and is written "Oil on Canvas". Canvas is the second part of media. It describes what the media is applied to. It can include canvas, paper, silk, scratch board, linen, or anything else that it can be applied to.

2. Technique ( unity) : Technique refers to HOW the media is applied. This refers to techniques such as stippling, ink and brush, impasto paint, and ect. Technique also refers to unity.  This gradation creates depth through the implication of atmospheric prospective.

"Sea turtle Cove" by Kimberlie Grady
Oil on Canvas
not the complete composition
3. Simplicity vs Complexity ( unity): In " Sea turtle cove" Impasto pointillism is gradiated into blending is also an example of Complexity gradiating into simplicity. this gradation helps create unity causing the atmospheric prospective to be believable.

In 2d art, all of the elements should be used to create unity in the composition.
Have fun
The art student
all material in this blog is subject to change at the advisement of my instructors.

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