Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Principles of 2d design/ Repitition and Alternation/ weird song

In previous blogs I generally discussed the elements of 2d design. The elements are what you arrange and include:
Line, Direction, shape, size, texture, value, color, media, technique, simplicity/complexity unity.
In the last blog I discussed what I learned in Drawing 1 about the basics of drawing.
In this blog I am going to go through some of the principles of design.

. OK so instructors, you know you put on all that crazy music right. Here's a weird one for you.
go down and press play on " Listen Now" or right click on the link below and choose open in a different window and it will play it while you read.

The first two principles are similar . They are REPETITION and ALTERNATION.  If you have had any music theory at all you have learned these principles. Repetition is the absolute repetition of the Rhythm . It's the constant down beat of the bass tone. In art it is the rhythm of repetition of the subject, shape, color or texture. Repetition is also alternation repeated. Picture repetition like this ////////////////////////
Alternation is the periods of tones and silence. It is what makes you want to move to the music. It is the bass, snares, and cymbals together. Alternation includes the subject, shape, color or texture, with spaces in between included.Alternation : / //  Repetition : / // / // / //
" reflective waterfall"  acrylic on Canvas paper
by Kimberlie Grady
notice the repetition of the steps and the alternation of the colors

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