Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Study of light through water  by Kimberlie Grady
 Light. We all see it. It is what my camera sees. So when I got the assignment to shoot light I was a bit excited and confused. How do I shoot something that is- well- invisibly visible? How do I shoot something that is tangible and not make it the subject instead make what is illuminating it shine?
     So I set out on my mission shooting everything that could remotely be considered light.
Study of light through water by Kimberlie Grady
I shot mountains, frozen lakes, seed pods, and fire, but I think that most of these water shots are more effective.
    Using a macro filter lense  on an 18-55 lense I was able to shoot these and other photos.
Study of light through water by Kimberlie Grady

Study of light through water by Kimberlie Grady

Study of light through water by Kimberlie Grady

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